Wicket Built-in Components

Wicket provides lot of useful components out of the box. Sometimes we would like to change the appearance(aka markup) of the built-in components. It is very easy to do.

Original Markup

Each component has a markup file associated with it. We will take the PagingNavigator as an example. It is associated with the markup file PagingNavigator.html. I got the markup from 1.

<html xmlns:wicket>
	<a wicket:id="first">&lt;&lt;</a>&nbsp;<a wicket:id="prev">&lt;</a>
    <span wicket:id="navigation">
		  <a wicket:id="pageLink" href="#"><span wicket:id="pageNumber">5</span></a>
    <a wicket:id="next">&gt;</a>&nbsp;<a wicket:id="last">&gt;&gt;</a>

Extend the Component

First we need to extend the Component, in our case it is PagingNavigator.

public class CustomPagingNavigator extends PagingNavigator
   public CustomPagingNavigator(final String id, final IPageable pageable)
		this(id, pageable, null);

	public CustomPagingNavigator(final String id, final IPageable pageable,
		final IPagingLabelProvider labelProvider)


Customize the Markup

Create a markup file for the component(CustomPagingNavigator.html) and copy the original markup. The only restriction is, we should not change the wicket:id and the hierarchy of the wicket:id. I don’t like the < and > symbols. So i am going to change it and i like to add | between the links.

<html xmlns:wicket>
	<a wicket:id="first">first |</a>&nbsp;<a wicket:id="prev">previous |</a>
    <span wicket:id="navigation">
		  <a wicket:id="pageLink" href="#"><span wicket:id="pageNumber">5</span> |</a>
    <a wicket:id="next">next |</a>&nbsp;<a wicket:id="last">last</a>

I have made small changes only. But you can go on and make further changes like showing images instead of first, last etc.