I recently built a hybrid query engine at work. In this post, I discuss what we did, why we did it, and how we accomplished it. To keep things simple, I present a simplified version of the problem, making it easier to explain while focusing on the key aspects. The real-world scenario is more complex, but the fundamental issue remained the same.

Our database model can be simply described as:

Think of a typical analytics product. The User represents a user of the product, while the Event represents an activity performed by the user. This could be a page view, a button click, or any other interaction.

Our system allows site admins to configure rules. A rule can be something like:

  1. The user has viewed the page in the last 7 days (events).
  2. The user has clicked the button at least twice in the last 180 days (events).
  3. The user is on a paid plan (users).
  4. The user signed up in the last year (users).

The system repeatedly evaluates rules and triggers actions if a rule evaluates to true. The complexity arises from the Event perspective because any new event can change the outcome of the rule evaluation. As a result, caching rule evaluations becomes quite challenging.

Our system is built in a straightforward way. We store both Users and Events data in PostgreSQL, and each rule is converted into an SQL query.

Let’s have a look at a sample rule and its corresponding query.


  • The user has clicked the upgrade button at least twice in the last 180 days.
  • The user is on a pro plan.
  • The user signed up in the last year.
FROM users u
WHERE u.id = {user_id}
      AND u.attributes->>'plan' = {plan}
      AND u.created_at >= now() - interval '1 year'
      AND (
          SELECT COUNT(*)
          FROM events e
          WHERE e.user_id = u.id
                AND e.name = 'click'
                AND e.attributes->>'button_id' = {button_id}
                AND e.created_at >= now() - interval '180 days'
      ) >= 2;

This works reasonably well, assuming each user has a few thousand events. However, as we grew, our events table expanded to multiple terabytes. While it still works well from a single-user perspective, aggregate queries such as counting how many people clicked button X in the last 7 days became too slow.

We needed another database to handle aggregate queries in near real-time, so we decided to add ClickHouse and duplicated the events data to ClickHouse.

Is there a way to leverage event data in ClickHouse and remove it from PostgreSQL?

The biggest challenge we face is ensuring data consistency. We rely on read-after-write consistency so that actions can be triggered immediately after a user performs any activity. Anything more than 100ms latency would be noticeable. However, achieving read-after-write consistency at scale with ClickHouse proves to be extremely difficult. We explored various workarounds provided by ClickHouse but ultimately concluded that maintaining read-after-write consistency at scale was not feasible.

One of our biggest problems is the multiple terabytes of data sitting on PostgreSQL. ClickHouse, on the other hand, provides about 15 to 20 times the compression ratio compared to PostgreSQL storage.

What if we use a hybrid approach, where we depend on PostgreSQL for the last couple of days and ClickHouse for the rest of the data? This way, we get better compression for historical event data from ClickHouse while retaining read-after-write consistency using PostgreSQL.

Now that I have explained the problem, let me get into the solution that works for us.

Logical Plan

The first step is converting the rule into a logical plan.

In the previous version, the rule was directly converted into SQL in one go. However, since we need to handle two database systems, I figured it is best to introduce an intermediate form that closely models an SQL query.

This approach allows us to handle domain-specific logic during the rule → logical plan conversion and address SQL-specific nuances when converting the logical plan → SQL.


An executor takes a logical plan and returns the evaluated result. The details, such as how it converts the logical plan to SQL or whether it queries a single system or multiple systems, are handled by the executor.

PostgreSQL Executor

This is almost a complete rewrite of the previous version. Instead of taking a rule as input, it takes a logical plan. The executor converts the logical plan to SQL, executes the query on PostgreSQL, and returns the result.

ClickHouse Executor

This works similarly to the PostgreSQL executor, with modifications to the generated SQL to accommodate differences in syntax.

Hybrid Executor

The hybrid executor is where things get interesting. The goal is to use ClickHouse for historical data and PostgreSQL for real-time data. This approach operates purely at the logical plan level, relying on the other two executors to perform the actual execution.

The logical plan is structured as a tree, where each node represents either a condition or a clause (e.g., AND / OR). Since the logical plan follows a recursive tree structure, individual conditions can be executed independently.

  1. Traverse the logical plan tree and collect all event conditions.
  2. Split each event condition into two parts:
    • Recent (last 1 day) → Handled by PostgreSQL.
    • Older (except the last 1 day) → Handled by ClickHouse.
  3. Execute the event condition separately using the ClickHouse and PostgreSQL executors.
  4. Merge the results back into a constant node (true/false).
  5. Replace the original event condition node with the constant node.
  6. Execute the updated logical plan using the PostgreSQL executor.

Introducing a logical plan is crucial for the hybrid executor. Without it, we would have to work at either the rule level or the SQL level.

The rule level contains too many unnecessary domain details, making it difficult to manage. On the other hand, SQL is typically just a string, and modifying it directly would be cumbersome and error-prone. The logical plan provides a structured and flexible way to handle query transformations efficiently.

Let’s dive deep into how Split and Merge work.

FROM events e
WHERE e.user_id = u.id
      AND e.name = 'click'
      AND e.attributes->>'button_id' = {button_id}
      AND e.created_at >= now() - interval '180 days'

The query above represents a typical event condition. To split it, we introduce a time-based condition.

  • PostgreSQL:
    AND e.created_at >= {split_instant}
  • ClickHouse:
    AND e.created_at < {split_instant}

Choosing the right split_instant is important. If we set it as:

now() - interval '24 hours'

this would constantly change, making caching ineffective.

Instead, using:

toStartOfDay(now() - interval '24 hours')

ensures that split_instant changes only once every 24 hours, allowing ClickHouse results to be cached efficiently.


The event condition rule can specify conditions like:

  • At least n times (>=)
  • At most n times (<=)
  • Exactly n times (==)

When executing the PostgreSQL and ClickHouse queries sequentially, we can often skip the second query.

For example, if the rule requires at least 3 occurrences and the ClickHouse query already returns 5, there is no need to run the PostgreSQL query—we can return true immediately.

This optimization is especially useful when ClickHouse results are cached, making it cheaper to check the cached result before deciding whether to execute the PostgreSQL query, which cannot be cached.


Unlike PostgreSQL, ClickHouse is built for analytics queries. PostgreSQL can handle thousands of queries per second, whereas ClickHouse can return answers for complex analytics queries in a fraction of the time. However, it is not designed to run too many queries simultaneously, making query caching essential.

At first glance, caching might seem straightforward. Since event data is typically not backdated and we use ClickHouse only for data older than 24 hours, we might assume that hashing the query and using it as a cache key would work. However, there is a flaw in this approach.

To cache an SQL query response, both the data and the query must be unchanging and deterministic. Since we query ClickHouse only for data older than 24 hours, we can assume the data remains unchanged. But what about the query?

Consider the following example:

  • The user has clicked the upgrade button at least twice in the last 180 days.

    AND e.created_at >= now() - interval '180 days'
    AND e.created_at < {split_instant}

The issue lies in now(), which is non-deterministic. Even if the data remains unchanged, the query itself changes with every execution, potentially returning different results.

So, how do we solve this? Is it even possible?

Visualizing the Caching Challenge

Let’s represent time on the x-axis, using * to indicate events.

  • Basic Scenario without now()

                                                   | split instant
                                     ClickHouse    |             PostgreSQL
    ----------*---------------------*--------------|--------------*----------------- now

    In this case:

    • Three events match the query.
    • ClickHouse returns 2 events.
    • PostgreSQL returns 1 event.
    • The merge step combines them to produce the final result.

    Since new events are inserted only on the PostgreSQL side, ClickHouse results remain stable and can be safely cached.

  • Query Using now(), at t and t + few hours

             |                                      | split time
             | now() - 7 days        ClickHouse     |            PostgreSQL
    ---------|--*---------------------*-------------|-------------*----------------- now (t)
                  |                                 | split time
                  | now() - 7 days   ClickHouse     |            PostgreSQL
    ------------*-|-------------------*-------------|-------------*---------------------- now (t + few hours)

    In this case:

    • At t ClickHouse returns 2 events, at t + few hours ClickHouse returns 1 event.
    • PostgreSQL returns 1 event.

    Even though the data in ClickHouse remains unchanged, the boundary for ClickHouse shifts over time. Consequently, caching the response would be incorrect, as each execution could yield different results.

Making now() Queries Cacheable

If we are okay with caching results for 1 hour, we just need to ensure there are no matching events in the 1-hour gap before caching the response.

         |                                      | split time
         | now() - 7 days        ClickHouse     |            PostgreSQL
---------|--*---------------------*-------------|-------------*----------------- now
          | now() - 7 days + 1 hour             |
  • We run two queries:
    1. One for now() - 7 days.
    2. Another for now() - 7 days + 1 hour.
  • If both queries return the same result, we can be sure the query result won’t change for the next hour, making it safe to cache.

In practice, this approach is nearly as effective as a full cache, since the number of queries that remain uncacheable at any given moment is small and will likely become cacheable within an hour.

Running two queries might seem inefficient, but ClickHouse provides a clever way to optimize this:

    countIf(e.created_at >= now() - interval '180 days'),
    countIf(e.created_at >= now() - interval '180 days' + interval '1 hour')
FROM events e
WHERE e.user_id = u.id
      AND e.name = 'click'
      AND e.attributes->>'button_id' = {button_id}
      AND e.created_at < {split_instant}

ClickHouse allows countIf, which means we can count both conditions within a single query. This eliminates the need for separate queries and ensures efficient execution.

There are many nuances to this approach, and I’ll leave it as an exercise to figure out how to handle the <= case.